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Peace and Conflict Research

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2024    2023    2022    all years

Date News
17.07.2024 ​Call: 2nd workshop for PhD students in peace and conflict research in Bavaria
15.07.2024 Call for Contributions – Virtual Encyclopedia on Peace and Conflict Studies
08.07.2024 Talk by Marion Ouma (10 July, 16:15-17:45) - on campus and via Zoom
25.06.2024 Relisten to Swati Parashar & Adam Sandor
14.06.2024 Talk by Christoph Vogel - Conflict minerals in the DRC (26 June, Bayreuth)
13.06.2024 Peace Report 2024 released
11.06.2024 Talk by Timothy Raeymaekers "Bounding Migrant Farmwork in the Black Mediterranean" (17 June, online)
05.06.2024 Presentation by Kamal Donko: The complex realities of Africa's longest oil pipeline
04.06.2024 New funding opportunity: "Responses to the climate crisis" (DSF)
04.05.2024 New book review by Alexander Schwarz
25.04.2024 Stefan Ouma responds to critics of postcolonial theories
11.04.2024 Postcolonial thinkers in discussion (30 April, 18-19:30)
05.04.2024 CfA – Scientific Coordinator for Peace, Conflict and Security Research (2x, 100%, Uni Regensburg)
22.03.2024 Out now - Special Issue "From Climate Conflicts to Environmental Peacebuilding"
20.03.2024 Call - Workshop "Postcolonial Re-evaluations"
08.03.2024 New Virtual Encyclopaedia ​‘Rewriting Peace and Conflict’
08.03.2024 Afghanistan's drug economy and Germany's role - A report by Florian P. Kühn for the German Parliament
25.02.2024 Retrospect - Talk on Rightwing Populism
22.02.2024 Newly founded – Bavarian Scientific Alliance for Peace, Conflict, and Security Research
06.02.2024 „Kriege und ihre Umweltfolgen“ – Vortrag von Benno Fladvad
30.01.2024 Call for papers - 8th Workshop on Conflict Dynamics (9.-10.10.2024, Munich)
25.01.2024 Invitation - Talk on Rightwing Populists with Katja Freistein (31 January)
22.01.2024 The 2023 Coup in Niger - a new publication by Adam Sandor & Aoife McCullough
08.01.2024 Vortrag "Kriege und ihre Umweltfolgen" - Benno Fladvad (23 January)
18.12.2023 Fotos unserer Podiumsdiskussion "Geschichtsrevisionismus und Gewalt"
18.12.2023 Pictures from our roundtable discussion "Geschichtsrevisionismus und Gewalt" 
14.12.2023 Weihnachtsvorlesung mit Jean Asselborn: ​"Wir brauchen Frieden!"
01.12.2023 Lecture: Derek Gregory on "Geographies of war" (5 December)
14.11.2023 Einladung zur Podiumsdiskussion – Geschichtsrevisionismus und Gewalt (29.11.2023)
14.11.2023 Social Movements workshop - Retrospect 
30.10.2023 Lecture Series "Spaces of War"
19.10.2023 New publication: „Zur Intervention: Afghanistan und die Folgen“
18.10.2023 Social Movements Workshop at the UBT (10 November)
17.10.2023 Das koloniale Bayreuth/Colonial Bayreuth (Stadtrundgang/City Tour)
16.10.2023 Invitation to inaugural lectures - Transnational Relations in/of the Global South (25 October 2023)
12.10.2023 Roundtable (13.10.): Conflicting spaces - Crisis in Central Sahel and its surrounds
25.08.2023 BMBF funding announcement: Junior research groups in peace and conflict studies
17.08.2023 Stellenausschreibung: Wiss. Koordinator*innen für Friedens-, Konflikt- und Sicherheitsforschung (2x, 100%, Augsburg/München)
04.08.2023 Save the date - Social movements workshop at the UBT
03.08.2023 Interview with Jan Sändig - Kein Frieden ohne Konflikt?
01.08.2023 Coup in Niger - Dr. Adam Sandor on Al-Jazeera
18.07.2023 Call: First workshop for PhD candidates in Peace and Conflict Studies in Bavaria
16.07.2023 Documentary Viewing "Strangers to Peace" (19th July, 17:00)
07.07.2023 Klimasch(m)utzkommunikation - die kommunikativen Tricks der Verzögerer (10.7., 19:30)
04.07.2023 Retrospect – Inception workshop of Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions
30.06.2023 Public Talk with Stephen Brown (Ottawa) at the UBT (5 July, 16:15)
29.06.2023 Diskussionsrunde - Das koloniale Bayreuth: Warum es uns auch heute noch betrifft
27.06.2023 Defense Ceremony of the PhD Thesis of Barbara Gruber - Thursday, June 29
12.06.2023 Invitation – Keynote by Navnita Chadha Behera (21st June, Bayreuth)
09.06.2023 Call for Applications: Student Assistant “Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions”, Chair for Sociology of Africa
05.06.2023 On violence - Invitation to the Sociology colloquium and get-together
05.06.2023 Call for Papers: Historische Friedens- und Konfliktforschung
31.05.2023 Impressions of the Roundtable "Wissenschaft trifft Politik: Sicherheit durch Krisenprävention"
22.05.2023 Wissenschaft trifft Politik: Sicherheit durch Krisenprävention - Symposium der bayerischen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (26.5., München)
17.05.2023 Save the date - Keynote by Navnita Chadha Behera (University of Delhi), 21st June
15.05.2023 Shattered hope: The conflict in Sudan (Roundtable, 22nd May, 6-8 pm)
11.05.2023 Statement on the condoning of racism at the Frankfurt Research Center of Global Islam
11.05.2023 Rückblick: „11 Monate Krieg gegen die Ukraine – Was war, was kommt?“ (Podiumsdiskussion)
02.05.2023 PhD position "Practices of Legitimation by companies and NGOs in Kenya/Tanzania" (m/f/d)
26.04.2023 New MA Programme "African Studies: Critical Perspectives on Society, Politics and Culture" at the UBT
28.02.2023 Talk series "Challenges of Peace and Conflict Research due to the War on Ukraine" (AKHF)
31.01.2023 Pictures from our roundtable discussion "11 Monate Krieg gegen die Ukraine"
13.01.2023 Roundtable (26 January): "11 Monate Krieg gegen die Ukraine – Was war, was kommt?"
28.11.2022 KonKoop Young Researchers' Workshop "Peace and Conflict Research in Eastern Europe post-2022: Methods and Ethical Dilemmas"
10.11.2022 Roundtable Discussion in Munich: „Der russische Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Was bleibt vom 'Pazifismus' der Bundesrepublik?“
02.11.2022 Pictures from our network launch & roundtable discussion
27.10.2022 Nicolai Teufel Honored for Exemplary Voluntary Work and Support for Ukraine
25.10.2022 Roundtable & network launch: Crises of our times – what answers do Peace and Conflict Studies offer?
10.10.2022 Blog Post: Cobalt as a 'conflict mineral'? On the opportunities and limits of new supply chain laws
01.09.2022 Updated Application Deadline: Post-doctoral position "Interpretive struggles around Corporate Responsibility for Violence" (m/f/d)
09.08.2022 Post-doctoral position "Interpretive struggles around Corporate Responsibility for Violence" (m/f/d)
10.06.2022 Bavarian Initiative for Peace and Conflict Research Symposium
08.06.2022 Postcolonial Hierarchies Network Launch Event
08.06.2022 Webinar: Putin's War of Aggression on Ukraine

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Jana Hönke

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