Associated Researchers
Prof. Dr. Andrea Behrends (University of Leipzig)
For more than 20 years, Andrea Behrends' research concerns lifeworlds in crisis due to flight, conflict, and intervention in African contexts. This includes studies on resource governance and conflicts over distribution. Furthermore, she explores contingencies of belonging to understand the diversity in coexistence. She is also leader of a subproject within the BMBF-funded "Postcolonial Hierarchies" network.
Research Areas
(Photo: Niklas Reinhart) | Links |
Dr. habil. Kai Koddenbrock (Bard College Berlin)
Kai Koddenbrock is the leader of the Junior Research Group "The political economy of monetary and economic sovereignty in West Africa compared" at the "Africa Multiple" Cluster of Excellence. His research intersects International Relations and International Political Economy. He also facilitates the DFG network "Politics of money" together with Benjamin Braun.
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Dr. Maria Ketzmerick (Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin)
Maria Ketzmerick is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Chair for Sociology of Africa at the University of Bayreuth. She conducts research on security from a post and de-colonial perspective to better understand the complex interrelationships between locally rooted social dynamics, transnational politics, and global change. She is also leading a subproject within the "Postcolonial Hierarchies" network (BMBF-funded).
Research Areas
(Photo: Niklas Reinhart) | Links |
Dr. Nathaniel Umukoro (Western Delta University, Nigeria)
Nathaniel Umukoro is a visiting Alexander Von Humboldt Research Fellow. His research focuses on democracy, public health, and conflict in Nigeria. Currently, he examines Nigeria's food security policies from a social perspective, particularly regarding the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research Areas
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