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Nicolai Teufel Honored for Exemplary Voluntary Work and Support for Ukraine


Congratulations to Nicolai Teufel for receiving an award and recognition for his humanitarian work!

The Bayreuther Kurier reported on the award ceremony. Here is a short and translated excerpt of the article:

"The year 2022 is dominated by the war in Ukraine. One of those who is working on behalf of the people in the war-torn country is Nicolai Teufel.

As club president Robert Eichler explained, Nikolai Teufel is being honored for exemplary voluntary work in the cultural or social spheres. The award, named after the founding president of the university and the Rotary Club, recognizes people whose achievements serve as role models and incentives for young academics.

At the suggestion of the student parliament, Nikolai Teufel received the award in 2022. As University President (ret.) Prof. Helmut Ruppert emphasized, the intercultural and social commitment of the Bayreuth native meets the requirements of the award in an outstanding way..."

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