Pictures from our roundtable discussion "Geschichtsrevisionismus und Gewalt"
29 November 2023
Thank you for joining us on 29 November 2023 at the Zentrum Bayreuth for the latest event in our series "Bayreuth Peace Talks" titled "Geschichtsrevisionismus und Gewalt - Motive der Zerstörung von Geschichte und Gedenken durch rechten Terror?" (Historical revisionism and violence - motives for the destruction of history and remembrance through right-wing terror?)

Moderator Dr. Julia Eichenberg (University of Bayreuth)

Our panelist (from left to rigth): Prof. Dr. Isabel Heinemann (University Bayreuth), Dr. Julia Eichenberg (University Bayreuth) and Dr. Imanuel Baumann (Memorium Nürnberger Prozesse)

(Photo credit: Rachel Owusu & Alexander Schwarz)