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Public Talk with Stephen Brown (Ottawa) at the UBT (5 July, 16:15)

5 July | 16:15-17:45 | S58 (RWI), University of Bayreuth

We kindly invite you to a public talk with Prof. Stephen Brown (University of Ottawa), organized by the Chair for Sociology of Africa:

"Conflicting development cooperation principles concerning the rights of marginalized groups: The SDGs, LGBTQI+ people and the possibility of emancipatory ownership"

Using the example of LGBTQI+ people, Prof. Stephen Brown argues in his talk that, while the Sustainable Deveropment Goals are clear about the need for radical inclusion, the ownership principle lacks precision about who "owns" the concept. To reconcile the two development cooperation principles - universal social inclusion and country ownership - Prof. Brown proposes an emancipatory conceptualization of the latter, under which the ultimate beneficiaries of external assistance should be the ones to determine priorities and strategies.

Stephen Brown is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Ottowa, where he is also affiliated with the School of International Development and Global Studies. He has published on democratization, political violence, peacebuilding, and transitional justice/rule of law in Angola, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, and Rwanda. In recent years, he has conducted research on foreign aid in Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Mongolia, and Peru, focusing on aid effectiveness norms and the practices of Western donor countries as a whole and of Canada in particular.
Please see the poster attached. No registration is necessary. We are looking forward to seeing many of you!

For questions, feel free to contact Büsra Uner
Further information: Chair for Sociology of Africa | Bayreuth Academy Fellows | Prof. Brown's website at Ottawa University

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