Roundtable (13.10.): Conflicting spaces - Crisis in Central Sahel and its surrounds
Friday 13 October | 5.15-7 pm | S 104 in FAN B or online
Conflicting spaces. A roundtable on the crisis in Central Sahel and its surrounds
This roundtable examines how different forms of violent conflict, which mark the Sahel's multiple crises, impact people's understandings of space, place, and politics. It begins with an overview from the panelists of how violent conflictuality and associated security politics are understood by different involved stakeholders and conflict participants. The panelists will then offer an explanation of the implications of different responses to the Sahel's crises and what this means for their potential trajectories.
- Yacouba Banhoro (ACC Ouagadougou)
- Kamal Donko (LASDEL, Benin)
- Bintou Koné (UBT/LACET)
- Adam Sandor (University of Bayreuth)
Chair and moderator
- Jana Hönke (University of Bayreuth)
The roundtable is part of the Africa.Multiple conference "Reconfiguring African Studies through Spatialities". For online participation (free), please register here.