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Call for Applications: Student Assistant “Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions”, Chair for Sociology of Africa

Deadline 30 June 2023

Call for Applications – Student Assistant (25h/month) for the BMBF-funded research network “Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions” at the Chair for Sociology of Africa

The Chair for Sociology of Africa (Prof. Jana Hönke) is offering a position for a Student Assistant (25h/month) starting from October 1st, 2023. The position is part of the BMBF-funded research network “Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions”.

The network examines how societal and political changes unfold and under which circumstances this contributes to peace. Moreover, the network brings together peace and conflict researchers from the region to establish a Bavarian Center for Peace and Conflict Research. We complement this at the University of Bayreuth through the newly founded UBT Peace and Conflict Research network, which aims at furthering interdisciplinary collaboration and outreach towards society and politics.

The student assistant supports the coordinators of these networking activities. Tasks and responsibilities comprise public relations work through the writing of news announcements, the design of posters and other advertisements, maintenance of the websites (Wordpress, Fiona CMS) and curating Twitter, and support to event organizing and administrative tasks.

The student assistant demonstrates a high level of self-organisation, is willing to work in a team and to contribute to a collaborative research project. A prerequisite for the application is that the applicant is an advanced bachelor student or already in the master program. A very good command of English is a prerequisite and knowledge of German is a major advantage.

Please send your application (cover letter, CV, certificates, transcript of records) until June 30th, 2023, to: jan.saendig@uni-bayreuth.de

Chair for Sociology of Africa, University of Bayreuth

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