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Call: First workshop for PhD candidates in Peace and Conflict Studies in Bavaria

26-28 October 2023 | Franken-Akademie/Schloss Schney in Lichtenfels

  • You are writing your dissertation in the field of peace and conflict studies?
  • You would like to discuss your and other research projects with peers in a collegial and appreciative setting?
  • You are interested in networking with other peace and conflict researchers in Bavaria
  • and you would like to engage in exchanging experiences of stress as well as ways of self-care during the doctoral phase?

The research network Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions – Bavarian Center for Peace and Conflict Research (Bayerisches Zentrum für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, BZeFK) invites you to the Franken-Akademie in Lichtenfels from 26 to 28 October 2023. The workshop is the kick-off for intensified networking among peace and conflict researchers in Bavaria who are in various phases of their PhDs. With the participation of post-Docs of the research network, we will intensively discuss individual doctoral projects. In addition, the workshop will address questions of self-care and how to deal with the various stresses and strains that come with a doctorate: both in spaces for sharing experiences and with guidance and input from a qualified trainer.

Based on individual short papers of the doctoral projects (five to max. ten text pages, uploaded to a common paper room by 4 October 2023) and building on an in-person presentation (max. 15 minutes), we will thoroughly discuss the PhD projects. Each paper will be read intensively by one post-Doc and other participants, who will bring their comments and questions to the discussion.

The workshop will be held in German, but abstracts, papers, presentations and contributions to discussions in English are of course possible. If your participation depends on meeting special needs such as childcare or accessibility, please contact us: ws.frieden@phil.uni-augsburg.de

No participation fees will be charged. Costs for accommodation and meals during the conference will be covered by the research network, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Limited funds are available to cover travel expenses. Reimbursement can be claimed for 2nd class rail travel in Bavaria with BahnCard or Sparpreis (Deutschlandtickets cannot be reimbursed).

If you are interested in actively participating, please send the following documents (in one PDF) by 10 August 2023 to ws.frieden@phil.uni-augsburg.de:

  • a concise abstract of the paper proposed for presentation and discussion (max. 250 words), indicating the connection to peace and conflict studies;
  • a few sentences of personal information (contact details; institutional affiliation; short-bio, including details of degree and doctoral subject).

The workshop is organised by the Chair of Political Science, Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Augsburg as part of the research network conflicts.meanings.transitions. It is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

graffiti that says "peace"

Photo ©Quinn Dombrowski, Peace

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