Presentation by Kamal Donko: The complex realities of Africa's longest oil pipeline
5 June 2024 | 16:15 | Room S47, RWII, University of Bayreuth

"Local Voices and Global Stakes: Unveiling the complex realities of Africa's longest oil pipeline in northern Benin"
Dr. Kamal Donko, a visiting fellow of the Postcolonial Hierarchies project, connected to our UBT Peace and Conflict network, will present his research. The event is part of the colloquium of the Chair for Sociology in Africa.
His presentation will regard the Bénin-Niger pipeline, which spans nearly 2,000 km and which plays a major role for the economic development of both countries. Since the 2023 military coup in Niger, however, oil exportation through the pipeline has become a contentious issue, with increasing hostilities between the Nigerien and Béninese governments. In his presentation, Kamal Donko examines the socioeconomic and geostrategic implications of constructing Africa's longest oil pipeline from a subaltern perspective.