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Stefan Ouma responds to critics of postcolonial theories

Essay: "Revanchist Culture War"

Portrait von Stefan Ouma

Prof. Dr. Stefan Ouma, one of our network members, recently wrote an essay for the taz. He holds the Chair of Economic Geography at the Department of Geography, University of Bayreuth. His work focuses on economic geography of globalization and development, drawing primarily on ​insights from heterodox economics, political ecology, and post- and decolonial work.

His essay addresses the trending critiques of postcolonial theories. He argues that these critiques meander between gut feelings and revanchist identity politics. Hence, it is time for a defense by discussing the significance of postcolonial theories for analyzing history and envisioning an inclusive future. He states: 

"The attack on postcolonial theories is an attempt to cling to one´s own privileges and interpretation authority over history"

"A peaceful and inclusive future in Israel/Palestine cannot be realized without the insights of postcolonial theories."

Read the full essay (in German)

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