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Afghanistan's drug economy and Germany's role - A report by Florian P. Kühn for the German Parliament

8 March 2024

Florian P. Kühn, a researcher within our UBT Peace and Conflict research network, recently examined Afghanistan's drug economy and Germany's hesitant role of combatting it. The report was prepared for the Enquiry Commission "Lessons from Afghanistan" of the German Bundestag.

The Commission was set up in mid-2022 to draw lessons from Germany's involvement in Afghanistan for future foreign and security policies. Comprising twelve parliamentarians and twelve experts, the Commission aims to improve integrated approaches that combine military, police, diplomatic, development, and humanitarian instruments for international peace missions. In February 2024, the Commission issued an interim report.

Florian P. Kühn is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Gothenburg and researcher within the Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions network that is coordinated at the University of Bayreuth. He has long-standing research experience and has extensively published on Afghanistan and international interventions.

Access to the report "Die Drogenökonomie Afghanistans 2001-2021"

Picture: Jacques Lemoyne de Morgues (1533-88), Opium Poppy, ca.1575; ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

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