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Call - Workshop "Postcolonial Re-evaluations"

Postcolonial Re-evaluations: On interpreting Conflicts, Violence, and War

25 April 2024 | Workshop at the University of Bayreuth with Swati Parashar (School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University)

This workshop invites PhD students and post-docs to present and discuss their research projects. It brings together Swati Parashar (Professor of Peace and Development Studies) with junior researchers working with and on feminist, postcolonial, and related perspectives and different aspects of conflict, war, peace, and security.

In a small group setting, the workshop intends to foster an informal discussion about research strategies, empirical puzzles, and theoretical challenges. It serves as a forum to discuss your research and academic issues that you consider relevant within these fields.

The workshop will take place from 9:00 until 13:00 with subsequent lunch at the Mensa. Depending on the number of participants, we may add an afternoon session until around 16:00.

The workshop is co-organized by the networks Conflicts.Meanings.Transitions and Postcolonial Hierarchies, both funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Interested in participating?

During the workshop you can present some of your own work, discuss its perspective, and receive feedback from the group and our special guest Prof. Parashar. Ideally, you have an outline, working paper, or draft chapter (15-20 pages) to share with the group some days ahead of the workshop. Alternatively, there are also some slots available for non-presenting participants who are simply interested in joining the discussion, engaging with their own views and ideas, and contributing to a critical evaluation of different approaches.

If you are interested in participating, please get in touch with Jan Sändig (jan.saendig@uni-bayreuth.de) until 5 April. For applying to present, please send a short project description (1-2 pages).

We are looking forward to inspring conversations!

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